Responsible Sourcing
KCC does not buy, source, or process any ASM or third party feed. We support efforts to establish greater transparency in the value chain. For cobalt, KCC has been assured under the Responsible Minerals Initiative’s (RMI) Responsible Minerals Assurance Process (RMAP) since 2021.
KCC adheres to Glencore’s responsible sourcing practices aimed at creating long-term value and opportunities for our stakeholders.
We believe that legal ASM can play an important and sustainable role in the DRC economy when carried out responsibly and transparently. The way in which it is currently carried out often presents significant challenges for our operations.
As part of our efforts to support legitimate ASM to be as responsible as possible, we:
- are a founding member of the Fair Cobalt Alliance (FCA)
- continuously engage local communities, the DRC Government, the OECD, civil society and other key stakeholders, including our customers on the issue
- have a zero tolerance approach for any form of child, forced, or compulsory labour we work to tackle the socio-economic root causes that contribute to the high prevalence of child labour, specifically focusing on improving access to school
- run initiatives to support local families, fight the root causes of child labour and help to diversify the local economy to offer alternatives to ASM such as summer camps