KCC’s Community Development Programmes (CDPs) are integral to our community and engagement strategies to foster resilient socio-economic communities. 

We have respectful relationships with our neighbouring communities. We communicate openly with local stakeholders to understand and address their concerns and needs, and actively contribute to activities and programmes designed to improve the quality of life and sustainability of the livelihoods within the communities that live around our operations.

Our company has contributed to the DRC economy since the beginning of its operations by investing and supporting the National Development Strategy with a focus on healthcare, sustainable livelihoods, education and infrastructure.
KCC has committed to investing USD$ 40 million over the next five years in line with our ‘Cahier de Charges’, covering infrastructure, education, electrification, agriculture, and health.

Human Rights

We recognise that we have the potential to impact human rights directly through our operations, and indirectly through our relationships with joint ventures, contractors and suppliers. We are committed to respecting human rights and actively support our workforce, business partners and suppliers to understand and meet this commitment.

We have undertaken a third-party human rights due diligence (HRDD) process. The process responds to Glencore’s Human Rights Standard and supports us in identifying the salient human rights issues affecting our operations, building internal awareness of human rights opportunities and challenges, and demonstrates to our stakeholders our commitment to human rights.

Furthermore, we are committed to applying the United Nations Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights in the DRC where public and private security forces are engaged.

KCC has appropriate complaints and grievance processes in place that are legitimate, accessible, predictable, equitable, transparent, and rights-compatible, in line with the United Nations’ Guiding Principles (UNGP) effectiveness criteria. These processes encourage people to raise concerns with us without fear of recrimination. We commit to investigating all concerns in a manner that respects the rights of the complainant.