Experience our KCC 360° virtual reality tour

posted: 24/09/2021

Over the past weeks, you have been introduced to the great work being done by our company to ensure that we source cobalt responsibly. With its application in green technologies such as electric vehicle batteries, cobalt is one of the most sought after metals that will help secure a sustainable future.

We are proud of our contribution to improve the socio-economic development of the region. From supporting sustainable livelihoods on the ground, to making our operations a safe place to work for our people, our team is coming to work every day to ensure that everything we do aligns with our Purpose and Values.

Now, you can see for yourself what it looks and feels like working at KCC through our 360° virtual reality tour.

From the open pit and underground mines, the concentrator and the acid plant, to our security and safety teams and community development initiatives – you can click and drag your mouse to look around and take it all in.

Find out more and experience the tour on this link.